Best planters for Living Room Decor
The living room space is considered to be one of the most important parts of your homes. The reason being that it is in this very space it becomes possible for you to be able to relax and feel comfortable after a hard day at work. In this very space you are able to unwind and relax. At the same time, this living room area is also where you get to host your guests, socialise with them and have a gala time.

So, getting the perfect living room decor is a must to ensure that it becomes the highlight of your entire home. But this is when the question arises, as to what can be the most unique way to decorate your living room. Our suggestion to you would be to get planters for living room that will add both a touch of greenery and freshness to your rooms.
Why is the Living Room So important?
Correctly decorating the living room serves a lot of purposes. This includes not only improving the entire aesthetic of the room but also ensuring that the living room is perfect for hosting guests and friends, and family. In short, the living room is responsible for fulfilling multiple purposes. As it happens to be the central gathering area for both friends and family, it is essential to make sure that the living room is decorated correctly to provide the maximum allure of beauty.
The living room is also the place where the maximum amount of time will be spent together with family and friends. This is where you will be making your memories and having important conversations. It is also the place where you will be relaxing and watching a movie or playing games with your friends or just hanging out with yourself.
Considering the fact that this is the central point of your entire home that you will be using to socialise most of the time, ensuring that the living room decoration is perfect is your responsibility. It is the reason why we are suggesting for you to make use of beautiful hanging mini planters or tiered iron metal plant stands to help achieve that objective.
Benefits of using Planters for Living Room
When it comes to the use of beautiful metal pots planters, there are multiple benefits associated with its implementation in your living room decoration. The correct placement and use of planters will not only enhance the beauty of your room but will also provide you with a number of functionalities that cannot be ignored.
Let’s take a brief look at the several benefits that are associated with having planters for living room. In terms of enhancing the look and feel of the living room, as well as getting some healing from having planters for living room, we are going to outline it all for you in the following section.
1. Versatility
One of the most important benefits that is yielded by having planters for living room is versatility. This means that because of the several versatile designs and shapes that are available for the planters, it makes it possible for you to easily change the entire look of your homes by placing them in correct positions in your living rooms. The versatility is also associated with the type of pots that you want to use for your room, like basket planters for example. It can be plastic, fibre or even metal parts depending on your need.
2. Transportation
The second most important benefit that is provided through the use of beautiful planters is that of transportation. Most of these planters for living room are very easy to handle making it possible for you to shift it to different locations depending on your preference. For example, if you feel like having some indoor plants you can easily get hold of these beautiful planters and transfer them inside your room, say, get a table top planter. The same is also true for transferring these beautiful planters outdoors depending on your design needs or wants.
3. Durability
Another important benefit that is associated with the use of planters for living room is durability. This essentially means that having beautiful planters as part of your living room decorations will ensure its longevity, both in terms of handling and the length of time you want to keep them in your homes. They cannot be easily broken which means that there is very less risk of you replacing these beautiful planters after short time periods, ex., long basket planters.
Ways to arrange Pots in Living Room
Now that you have made a decision of getting planters for living room, the next important factor that will need to be managed or considered is regarding its arrangement. It is important for you to make sure that having beautiful planters in your living room does not constrict the entire space. the objective should remain to in large the look of the room by the use of these planters rather than its opposite. It is the reason why when it comes to getting planters for living room, there are certain aspects that will need to be kept in mind including the number of planters you are using and also what kind of plant you are interested in getting.
You can also implement the 3 rules of design, when it comes to arranging the beautiful planters in your living room, or simply go with your creativity. However, in this particular article we are here to help you out by giving you some basic understanding of the correct way to arrange the planters in your living room.
1. The case of odd numbers
One of the most time tested strategies that you can implement in terms of arranging the beautiful planters is by making use of an odd number of planters. The use of an odd number of planters gives more support in terms of managing spaces and provides better chances to the plants to grow.
2. Using Decorative Pots
In terms of enhancing the entire look of the living room through the use of planters for living room, you can also make use of multiple decorative pots. Decorative pots add a design element that is useful for living room decor. The best part about using decorative pots is that you can customise them as per the colour theme of your room to make it more prominent and beautiful.
3. Pop of Colour
You should definitely keep in mind the factor of colour when it comes to using planters for living room, and what kind of plants you select. The more colour you add in the beautiful planters, the more it will enhance the look of your living room. It will also make it possible for you to create a bohemian vibe for your living room that will make it feel more relaxing and comfortable.
4. Shape of Leaves
Another important part of this is selecting what kind of plant you are going to put inside it. The reason being that the chosen plant may have a different leaf shape that will have a severe impact on the design of your living room. it will also affect your plans for layering the planters, along with the shape of the planters. For example, when the shape of the leaves are broad it is better for you to go for beautiful planters having varying heights. simultaneously, if the shape of the leaves of the plant are much smaller, you can go for layering that will add more dimension and volume to it.
5. Choosing Varying Heights
You can also go with choosing different heights of the pots when it comes to arranging them in your living room. The choice of different heights of planters will provide you with more scope to create a unique design inside the living room and make it look more voluminous. The use of different height structures for planters for living room is one of the most used options because it is quite easy to manage and design and does not require much hassle.
It is quite evident from the above strategies that, when it comes to designing your living room with the use of beautiful planters, creativity should always be at the forefront of your strategies. This means, taking into consideration the colour theme of your room along with what kind of why you are looking for it before getting planters for living room. just randomly keeping planters in the room may not do much for you in terms of enhancing the beauty of your living room.
Types of Planters for Living Room Decor
Now that you know of the several rules that need to be followed and it comes to getting planters for living room, we have got some ideas for you about what kind of beautiful planters you can get for your living room. An important factor that needs to be considered by you when it comes to selecting planters is to ensure that it is sustainable and porous. Sustainability will ensure that you are not contributing towards increasing the carbon footprint and porous pots will make it easier for the plants to breathe and live longer.
1. Hanging Planters

When it comes to improving living room surroundings, getting planters for living room will always be a great idea. So, if you are someone who loves a naturistic vibe and is always open to new ideas, then getting some hanging planters will be a new idea to try.
In these kinds of specific planters, you can easily hang them in specific areas around the living room. You can create hooks in the ceiling to hang the planters so that the maximum effect can be created. The vibe will mostly be a garden of sorts in your living room, making it feel more unique. When it comes to choosing hanging planters for living room, go for colours that can match the palette of your room. The best will be contrasting colours, as it will make the hanging planters stand out more and make it look more appealing.
Suggestion for Plant Types
When it comes to using hanging planters for living room, one of the first things that will need to be kept in mind is that in these kinds of planters you should always go for plants that do not grow in volume much. As a result it is better to go for plants that can look pretty and can match the humid temperature that is generally found indoors. The best kind of plants that you can use in such cases are those of Spider Plants, English Ivy, Begonias and Fuschia's enough cause money plants.
2. Iron Stands

Another very common kind of planters for living room are those of iron stands. In this particular kind of planter, the pot is essentially encased with iron stands that gives it more grip and volume. It not only improves the durability of the entire planter but also makes it a great showpiece for the living room.
Another important feature that is associated with the use of iron planter stands is with regard to its ability to stand the test of time. Most of these iron planters for living room are corrosion resistant making it perfect to be put endos as well as outdoors. Having some beautiful iron stands for planters for living room will make for a great statement piece for your Living room and give it more colour and dimension.
Suggestion for Plant Types
In terms of going for iron planters for living room, there is a great scope for choosing plants that can spread in volume and can also look amazing at the same time. In such a situation the best kind of plants that you can use will include those of Petunia and marigold. you can also go for zinnia plants and dahlia, as it will also give a sweet scent in your room, and make it feel more relaxing for you. If you do not want to go for flowering plants, the best choice will obviously be snake plants as it also has a lot of feeling properties when used indoors.
3. Basket Planters

In the case of planters for living room, you can always go for basket planters that are reliable and also the most chosen form of planters. In this particular type of planters it becomes much easier to manage large plants, that improves its viability and also gives good volume.
The use of basket planters is best for managing unknown spaces in your homes, which often becomes difficult to do through normal home decor pieces. Just place one of these planters in any corner of your living room, and add some voluminous plants to it, and you will have a unique home decor style in no time. The best part about basket planters is that it has a lot of space present, which makes it perfect for being used as indoor planters for living room.
Suggestion for Plant Types
When it comes to getting planters for living room, where you are intending to fill up open spaces in your living room, then it is imperative to get plants that have several branches and hence can cover up small spaces. The best kind of plants that can look best for such planters includes the likes of fuschia, ferns, geraniums and so on. Also, you can go with Tulsi plants that will not only have religious significance but also have some beauty aspects.
4. Tiered Planters

If you are on the lookout for some unique styles of planters for living room, then you can surely go for some tiered style of planters. In this particular style of planters for living room, the pots are placed in several tiers that can add some semblance of style and design to your living room.
A unique feature of tiered planters for living room is mostly associated with the fact that these are available in several prints and also in monochrome colours. Also, these planters for living room are versatile, which means they can be used for both indoors and outdoors. You can make use of both ceramic or fibre pots, depending on your style and taste. Also, if you happen to be on the quirky side of things and are looking for some funky design, then you can also go for some smiley set of pots, as given above.
Suggestion for Plant Types
When it comes to looking for plants that are best suited for small beautiful planters, one cardinal rule should always be followed. This includes always going for shallow-rooted plants as it involves more support to plant growth and also becomes easy to manage indoors. The best examples include those of small herbs, cacti, succulents and jasmine. You can also go for green herbs and ferns that can add more texture to your rooms.
5. Copper Planters with Stand

When it comes to style and elegance coupled with space and longevity, the use of copper planters are the best bet. Also, when it comes along with some iron stands, these planters for living room become an important part of home decor. The use of metal planters, like the one made from copper, serves a lot of purposes.
Aside from the fact that they are durable, these planters also have great style associated with them. Copper has a sheen on its own, that gives off a shiny vibe. Also, they are mostly available in dark colours which serves to be a great fit of almost any type of colour palette. So, if you are going for some planters for living room that are versatile and can easily match your home vibe, then getting some copper planters will be the best choice. Also, the presence of iron stands along with it will make it easier to keep the planters upright and not fall out of place.
Suggestion for Plant Types
In terms of suggestions for the best kind of plants that can go well with these copper planters then go for large plants that have several branches. This includes the likes of spider plants, ferns and even flowering plants like night jasmine. For indoor plants, you can also choose aloe vera or other similar succulents, that will look great with the style of these particular planters.
6. Table Planters

If minimalism is your style, then going for table planters will definitely be the choice you should go for. Table planters are compact and hence quite easy to manage. They are available in quite different styles and also can be made from different materials like terracotta, wood, metal, fibre, etc.
In this particular style of beautiful planters, they are mostly best suited for tables, and hence can serve as good centrepiece options for your homes. Add a pack or two of table planters on your dining table or coffee table, and you will always feel refreshed. What you need to do is to never forget watering these plants, to ensure that they live for a long time.
Suggestion for Plant Types
Considering the fact that these planters are mostly for your tables, take note to make sure not to get plants that grow too quickly. So, the best choice in case of table planters will be to go for succulents and cacti, for better management. Also, the best part about these planters is that they can be customised as per your preferences, making it easy for you to choose the best one that can match the vibe of your homes.
Also Read: Planters Collection
Choosing the right kind of planters for living room does a lot for changing the entire decor of your living room. It not only adds colour to your rooms, but also makes the air feel more fresh and relaxing. It is why you need to provide time and consideration to selecting the correct planters style so that your living room becomes your favourite place to lounge every single day.