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Decorative Metal Wall Clock-Silent, Non-Ticking in home decor Sale priceRs. 2,499.00 Regular priceRs. 4,999.00
NEW Vintage Traditional Railways Station Clock in home decorVintage Traditional Railways Station Clock in home decor
Vintage Traditional Railways Station Clock in home decor Sale priceRs. 3,499.00 Regular priceRs. 6,999.00


Q1. Which clock is good as per vaastu?

A circular metal wall clock is good as per vaastu.

Q2. Which colour wall clock is lucky for home?

A metal wall clock in the shades of green, blue or silver is good for homes.

Q3. Can you hang a clock on drywall?

Yes, you can hang a metal wall clock on a drywall.

Q4. Where is the lucky place to put a wall clock?

The lucky place to put a metal wall clock is in the north and east direction.

Q5. Which colour wall clock is lucky?

The lucky colour for a metal wall clock is white, grey or its own metallic colour.

Q6. Where not to hang a clock?

It is important to keep in mind not to hang a metal wall clock in the south, south-east or south-west direction.

Q7. How do I hang a wall clock?

You can use a hanging wall clock by using the help of nails on the wall.

Q8. Is gifting a wall clock good or bad?

It is okay to get a hanging wall clock for your loved ones, as it reflects grace and timelessness.

Q9. Which clock is best as per vastu?

The choice of a regular shaped hanging wall clock is best for having in homes.

Q10. How do you display a wall clock?

Always go for a hanging wall clock that is kept at eye level.

Q11. What do clocks symbolize?

The hanging wall clock mostly marks the passage of time and how seasons change, just like our everyday lives.

Q12. Where is the best place to put a clock in your house?

The best place to put a hanging wall clock is in the living room.

Q13. What is a mandala clock?

A mandala is a wall art clock that makes use of circular designs.

Q14. What is a Vienna wall clock?

Vienna wall art clock is mostly regular weight driven clocks.

Q15. Which type of wall clock is good for home?

The choice of a regular shaped wall art clock will be a perfect choice for home decor.

Metal Hanging Wall Clock in Home Decor | ThreadVibe Living

The most functional item in any home is a collection of beautiful metal hanging wall clock. These are the perfect accessories for every home that will require you to always have access to keeping track of time. We have some beautiful vintage collections of metal hanging wall clock that will ad...

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